Learn Quran With Tafseer

What is Tafseer?

Tafseer is basically the golden side of the Quran. Tafseer is written in simple words. It is just likely a simple and easy context of the Quran. Tafseer can be written in any specific language. It has no limit as the Arabic language is much eloquent.

There are many aspects that are opened in the Tafseer. Scholars with high Islamic qualifications write the Tafseer and they are highly recommended by the biggest scholars. As we say that these tafseer writers are highly marked personalities.

Tafseers are the open form of Quran. These are the 10X of any Quranic verse. People with non-minor intellect can write a number of books upon a single verse. While Quran contains 66666 verses.

Choose Your Format to Learn Tafsir

Read Quran word by word and translated verses.

Quran with Translation & Tafseer in Urdu

There are over 70 Million Urdu Speakers in the world, most of which are from South Asia. As this language has massive understanding, we have chosen it as one of our translation languages. Besides, Arabic can be said as the origin of Urdu is influenced by Arabic. Urdu speakers can read Arabic but do not understand its context. With this course Module, you can now learn Quran with translation and Tafseer ( Tafseer ul Quran) easily based upon your availability

Learn Quran with Translation & Tafseer

Tafseer can also be referred to as the science of the Quran. And with rules of Translation and Tafseer, it’s gonna open new spiritual horizons for you. Many great ts scholars have worked on its guidelines and principles in detail. There is a significant probability that the meaning perceived for a certain word by us is totally wrong to what’s predefined in Islam. This won’t remain a problem now. Quran Mentors aim to bridge this gulf under this course module, rules for translation, and Tafseer. You would be thought the rules for translation and Tafseer in detail.

Online Quran Translation Course (Tafseer)

Being a Muslim is a real bliss for us in the first place. When Allah has blessed us with this prestige, there is definitely some central responsibility left at our end hence. Allah Almighty, The Creator has made us in the best form, as said in our highly sacred Holy Book, Al Quran ( 95- 4)

َقَدْ خَلَقْنَا ٱلْإِنسَـٰنَ فِىٓ أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍۢ

Indeed, We created humans in the best form

Quran with Translation & Tafseer in English

English is the International language of the world, and nearly 70 percent of the world population speaks English. You would be learning about three main aspects of it, termed grammar, semantics, and pragmatics in the context of the Quran in this course. With this course Module, you can now learn Quran with translation and Tafseer (Tafseer ul Quran) easily based upon your availability.

Quran with Translation & Tafseer in Online

Reading Quran in Arabic context, would tough add virtuous for you and is highly appreciated and acknowledged. Though it’s not enough for its understanding of meaning even though if you are native to Arabic. Learning Quran Translation with its proper understanding and Tafseer is the proper channel to follow. You don’t have to worry at all thinking how would I learn it, that’s our concern for you. You can start your online Quran translation course classes today with Quran Mentors.

Why is it essential to learn Tafseer-e-Quran?

Learning the Quran holds great significance for us, all Muslims. Listed below are five core reasons, focused on why you should learn Tafseer.

  1. You learn Islamic history in a more appropriate way
  2. Learning Tafseer provides you assistance in worship, keeping you focused in Salaah by meaning.
  3. You have a grasp of Quranic vocabulary
  4. You have a better life with this Supplication
  5. You can Inspire others to learn Quran with Tafseer.

Monthly Base

Fee Structure


  • Monthly 8 Classes
  • 45 Minutes Class Duration
  • Monthly Fee
  • $35 (USA Dollar)
  • C$40 (Canadian Dollar)
  • A$40 (Australian Dollar)
  • €30 (Euro)
  • 125 (UAE Dirham)


  • Monthly 12 Classes
  • 30 Minutes Class Duration
  • Monthly Fee
  • $45 (USA Dollar)
  • C$50 (Canadian Dollar)
  • A$50 (Australian Dollar)
  • €40 (Euro)
  • 150 (UAE Dirham)


  • Monthly 16 Classes
  • 30 Minutes Class Duration
  • Monthly Fee
  • $55 (USA Dollar)
  • C$60 (Canadian Dollar)
  • A$60 (Australian Dollar)
  • €50 (Euro)
  • 175 (UAE Dirham)


  • Monthly 20 Classes
  • 30 Minutes Class Duration
  • Monthly Fee
  • $70 (USA Dollar)
  • C$75 (Canadian Dollar)
  • A$75 (Australian Dollar)
  • €65 (Euro)
  • 199 (UAE Dirham)


  • Monthly 8 Classes
  • 45 Minutes Class Duration
  • Monthly Fee
  • $30 (USA Dollar)
  • C$35 (Canadian Dollar)
  • A$35 (Australian Dollar)
  • €25 (Euro)
  • 120 (UAE Dirham)

Tafsir Gallery

Our Tafsir-e-Quran Teachers

Abdull Wahab
Muhmmad Ahmed